The meeting was held in the conference room of the Reliance Firemen’s Club in Philipsburg PA.
In attendance: Scott Rummings, John Horgas, John Lee, Jim Warg, Chris “CJ” Metsopulos, Jason Terosky, Darren Dixon, Cody Beish, Bob Snyder
Introduction (0:29)
Treasurer’s report (0:21)
K3HOT repeater update (4:37)
Internet access at Rattlesnake (2:33)
.43 repeater and duplexer (3:03)
Repeater building repairs (13:25)
Ideas for future repeaters/capabilities (8:40)
Documentation of repeaters (4:12)
501(c)3 application status (0:38)
K3HOT repeater policy (2:16)
Picnic shelter reservation (3:54)
Weekly net control schedule (6:31)
Christmas banquet (4:58)